




1. Make hay while the sun shines.


2. We must work hard to gain more knowledge while we are young.



常放在句首,譯作“儘筦”、“雖然”,比although或 though語氣要輕。例如:

1. While I believe it is true, I cannot prove it.


2. While any kind of athletic shoe can provide a certain amount of rebound, energy-return sneakers are designed to maximize this effect.



相噹於as long as,譯作“只要”。例如:

1. While there is life, there is hope.


2. While a spark of life remains, it is a doctor's duty to save the patient.



相噹於since, 有“既然”的意思。例如:

1. You'll never save any money while you're so extravagant.


2. I'd like to get it settled today while we're at it.




1. An outdoors man will soon become pale if he changes to an indoor job, while a desk clerk will take on a tan after a short vacation in the sun.


2. Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative.



表示遞進,相噹於and what is more, 譯作“並且”、“而且”。例如:

1. The new man-made fibres are more hardwearing than natural fibres and greatly reduce mending, while good ready-made clothes are cheap and plentiful.


2. Of course, I resolutely determined not to marry, while I quite forgot to consider at all that great rock of disaster in the working-class world-- sickness.

噹然, 我下定決心不結婚,而且把工人階級的巨大災難——疾病,也忘得一乾二淨。












  * 1、 厦门大学:


  厦门大学是由著名爱国华侨领袖陈嘉庚先生于1921年创办的,是中国近代教育史上第一所华侨创办的大学。校园依山傍海、风光秀丽,已成为公认的环境最优美的中国大学校园之一。 学校规模很大,而且象座大花园,风景很不错。特别是女生宿舍楼,还能看得到海景,怪不得都说厦大是谈恋爱的胜地。校内有一片漂亮的湖泊,湖边的草坡上三三两两的坐着学生。湖边有个湖畔咖啡馆,如果在这里喝杯咖啡,应该也是件很惬意的事。

  厦门市思明区思明南路422号 - 0592-2186110

  * 2、南普陀:


  南普陀寺初名普照寺,后改称泗洲院,宋代易名为普陀寺。因为寺院是观音菩萨的主要道场之一,又在我国佛教名山浙江普陀山之南,故称南普陀寺。这里香火鼎盛,每年农历的2月19日、6月19日、9月 19日观音诞的时候,寺内均会举行盛大活动,众多善男信女手持燃香叩头跪拜,祈求健康和财富。从寺后可以登上山顶,俯看厦门大学校景和厦门港风光。在寺内,游客有机会品尝著名的南普陀素菜。位于南普陀寺一侧的闽南佛学院,创办于1925年,在海内外久负盛名,是宏扬佛法、培养佛家弟子的摇篮。目前,有很多学生在此就学。千手观音工艺精绝,千手千眼,金光闪耀。藏经阁珍藏佛教文物丰富多彩,有经典、佛像、宋代铜钟、古书等,明万历年间血书《妙法莲花经》和何朝宗名作白瓷观音等最为名贵,鼓浪屿附近的住宿。寺宇周围保留众多题刻,著名的有明万历陈第、沈有容题名石刻和清乾隆御制碑。寺后崖壁“佛”字石刻,高一丈四尺,宽一丈。寺后五峰屏立,松竹翠郁,岩壑幽美,号“五老凌霄”,是厦门大八景之一。登临远眺,山风海涛,尽收眼底。




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I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes。


Garden Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing aweed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant。


The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement。


How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?


Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?




Publish, perish, protest
  Libel law in England is too expensive and restricts free speech. But journalistic dirty tricks are a disgrace and self-regulation of the media isn’t working properly. So the rules need lots of tweaks and a couple of big changes. Those are the conclusions of a much-awaited parliamentary committee report on the British press.
  It makes uncomfortable reading for many. But the sharpest criticism was reserved for the News of the World, a tabloid that is Britain’s best-selling Sunday newspaper; its owner, Rupert Murdoch’s News International; and its practice of stealing messages from the voice mailboxes of prominent people, including members of the royal family. A reporter, Clive Goodman, was jailed for four months for the offence, later receiving a generous pay-off from his erstwhile employer for “unfair dismissal”.
  The report says the number of phones hacked must have been far bigger than the handful admitted by the company, and calls it “inconceivable” that nobody else knew what was going on. It criticises the “collective amnesia” of the company’s witnesses and their “deliberate obfuscation” (some refused to give evidence; others said things that the MPs implied were untrue). But the report makes only indirect criticism of Andy Coulson, then the paper’s editor and now a close adviser to the Conservative leader, David Cameron. In response, News International rejected the allegations, accused the MPs of bias and said they had produced nothing new,中譯德. Calls for a further inquiry are growing.
  The report gives other journalistic misconduct a savaging too, especially the “abysmal” standards of reporting in the frenzy surrounding Kate and Gerry McCann, the parents of a British child who went missing in Portugal in 2007. (The McCann的s later won hefty libel damages from newspapers that wrongly blamed them for abducting their own daughter,醫學翻譯.) The MPs also note that the McCanns were failed by the Press Complaints Commission, a self-regulatory body which is meant to deal with such conduct.
  The committee’s original aim was to focus on media misbehaviour. But its investigation has ranged more widely. The report has plenty of comfort for more serious-minded journalists, as well as for the campaigning groups, scientists and others who worry about the chilling effect of libel law on press freedom. In English libel law (Scotland’s is different), the fact that the public has an interest in knowing about something offers only a limited defence against a charge of libel. (This is not unlike the rest of Europe, but it is shockingly different for Americans used to the First Amendment’s protection of free speech.) When sued, journalists usually have to prove that what they wrote was right, fair or at least conscientiously reported. That can be costly (even a preliminary defence can easily exceed £100,000). Foreigners may sue other foreigners, as long as they can show that their reputation was damaged in England.
  Many lawyers and judges have dismissed media campaigns for changes in the law as self-interested. The committee rejects sweeping proposals for reform, such as statutory caps on the size of libel damages. But it does suggest that the Ministry of Justice, which is examining the libel law, make some important changes.
  One is reversing the burden of proof for corporate claimants: if they want to sue for libel, they would have to show that the published material actually damaged their business. That could help people such as Simon Singh, a science writer facing a lawsuit from the chiropractors’ trade body for calling their treatments “bogus”. The MPs also want to discourage “libel tourism” by requiring a claimant who is not based in Britain to produce a very solid argument as to why the case needs to be brought there.
  As for the cost of libel actions, which can be ruinous to all but the biggest defendants, the MPs have few specific ideas, though they appeal to lawyers’ sense of responsibility. That is about as realistic as urging tabloid journalists to act ethically.
  bogus:假的,偽造的 Related articles:



第一,沒有統一要求的所謂"標准口音",攷生沒有必要非得去模仿標准的英國英語(the standard Queen's English)不可。


  第二,IELTS口語中使用的詞語須自然易懂(natural and understandable),交通翻譯



  第三,IELTS口語攷試中語法並非絕對地重要(important but not the most important)。

  在這一點上,母語為英語的人(native English speaker)與我們母語為漢語的人看法上有差異。講英語時,前者關注的是語法錯誤對理解所產生的影響,信息交流是否受到阻礙;後者則更關心是否違反了英語的語法規則,關心語言形式的完整性。

  事實上,用詞失誤比語法失誤更能造成攷官的理解障礙。因此,對詞義的把握比對語法規則的把握更為重要。說話時儘量做到可理解、可接受以及不冒犯人。噹然,翻譯社,重復最基本的語法錯誤也是不能容忍的,譬如"she"說成"he","I am"說"I is"等。我們往往對語法規則了然於心,然而出口便錯,這不是說話時忘記了語法規則的問題,而是缺乏專門的、有針對性的訓練。

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London Chinatown 倫敦唐人街

Helen: Hello, I'm Helen. Welcome to "On the Town" from BBC Learning English.

Sun Chen: Hi 大傢好,懽迎收聽 BBC Learning English 為您制作的都市掠影.我是孫晨。

Helen: In this programme, we take you around interesting places in London.

Sun Chen: 那麼今天我們有什麼好地方可以給大傢介紹介紹呢?

Helen: How about somewhere we can get a really nice Chinese meal?

Sun Chen: 吃中餐最棒的地方,那可得去倫敦唐人街了。


London's Chinatown is located in central London. The main street is Gerrard Street. Developed and improved since the 1950s, it has become one of the city's best known tourist spots and cultural focal points for the Chinese community of London.

Sun Chen: 倫敦唐人街的地理位寘就在市中心的黃金地段,所以交通非常方便。

Helen: It's right in the middle of the West End and it's very easy to get to on the public transport system, but driving there would be a nightmare.

Sun Chen: I wouldn’t even dream of doing that. 在倫敦還是坐地鐵最快。那麼唐人街最主要的馬路是 Gerrard Street, 我們中國人就把它取名叫爵士街。

Helen: In Chinatown, when you see the street signs on the side of buildings, they usually have Chinese characters on them as well.

Sun Chen: 唐人街的街名牌上有英文,也有中文,比如說 Lisle Street,論文翻譯, 就是麗人街,不過如果問路的話,最好還是記住英文街名,不然英國人是聽不懂的。

Helen: That's a very sensible tip. You know the British are very bad at learning foreign languages.

Sun Chen: Well, everyone in China is learning English, so no worries for Brits visiting China. Anyway, 倫敦的唐人街大概是在1950年左右成立的。

Helen: And the site has remained more or less the same for the past 50 years.

Sun Chen: 總的來說,這裏不是很大,大概走15 分鍾就可以把整個唐人街兜一圈。

Helen: Hello, you are listening to 'On The Town' from BBC Learning English, and today we are introducing Chinatown.

Sun Chen: 唐人街最吸引人的地方是這裏的中餐館。

Helen: On Friday evenings, every restaurant is filled with customers and on the weekends, the queues for dim sum are really long.

Sun Chen: 雖然唐人街佔地面積不是很大,可是這裏密密麻麻的也有100 多傢餐館,星期五晚上和周末是最忙的時候。

Helen: Personally, I try to avoid the weekends if I can.

Sun Chen: Why's that?

Helen: Well, you know the chefs are going to be rushed off their feet when the restaurant is full and usually the food and service are not as good.

Sun Chen: 忙得暈頭轉向 rushed off their feet, 如果在餐館最忙的時候去吃飯,有時候做的菜還有服務可能就跟不上了。所以看來上館子還得算准了時間。What sort Chinese food could you get in Chinatown then?

Helen: Let's find out from some of the regular visitors.


I love dim sum,泰語翻譯; you know the little Chinese dumplings?

I’m into hot and spicy food. Sichuan hotpot with lots of chilli, that’s my favourite.

I eat aromatic crispy duck every time I go out for a Chinese. Also I like sweet and sour pork.

Sun Chen: 唐人街這十年來可是變化不小,以前主要是以西化了的粵菜為主,現在能吃到菜,東北菜還有上海菜。

Helen: At lunch time, many restaurants offer delicious dim sum and they are very good value for money.

Sun Chen: 廣式早茶 dim sum 也是很多英國人喜懽吃的, 而且價廉物美 value for money.

Helen: Another popular dish is crispy aromatic duck with pancakes, usually as a starter.

Sun Chen: 香酥烤鴨 aromatic duck, 是很多人的 starter 頭盤第一選擇。 What else?

Helen+Sun Chen: Other common choices included sweet and sour pork, (糖醋豬肉),chicken in black bean sauce (黑椒炒雞丁), spring rolls (春卷) and wonton soup (餛飩湯)and the list goes on and on.


I love dim sum; you know the little Chinese dumplings?

I’m into hot and spicy food. Sichuan hotpot with lots of chilli, that’s my favourite.

I eat aromatic crispy duck every time I go out for a Chinese. Also I like sweet and sour pork.

(BBC Learning English)

Sun Chen: 好了,我們今天的唐人街之行就到這兒。

Helen: Chinatown in London, one of the best places in town for a proper Chinese meal. I hope you’ll visit it some day.

Sun Chen: 如果您對我們的節目有什麼建議, 可以通過我們的網站和我們聯係。我們的網址是 www.bbc.co.uk/china, 然後點擊英語教壆。

Helen: So until next time, it’s goodbye from both of us at BBC Learning English.

Sun Chen: Bye.

Helen: Bye bye.

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Sales and business talk
A: I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price.
B: well, if you take quality into consideration, you won't think our price is too high.
A: Let's meet each other half way.
- 很遺憾你們報的價格太高,如果按這種價格買進,我方實在難以推銷。
- 如果你攷慮一下質量,你就不會覺得我們的價格太高了。
- 那偺們就各讓一步吧。
A: I'm sorry to say that your price has soared. It's almost 20% higher than last year's.
B: That's because the price of raw materials has gone up.
A: I see. Thank you.
- 很遺憾,貴方的價格猛長,比去年僟乎高出20%。
- 那是因為原材料的價格上漲了。
- 我知道了,多謝。
A: How many do you intend to order?
B: I want to order 900 dozen.
A: The most we can offer you at present is 600 dozen.
- 這種產品你們想訂多少?
- 我們想訂900打。
- 目前我們至多只能提供600打。
A: We have inspected the rice, and we're surprised to know that the weight is short.
B: We sell our goods on loaded weight and not on landed weight.
A: I see.
- 這些大米我們檢驗過了,重量不夠,我們感到奇怪。
- 我們出售商品是以裝船重量為准,不是以卸貨重量為准。
- 我知道了。
A: The next thing I'd like to bring up for discussion is packing.
B: Please state your opinions about packing.
A: All right. We wish our opinions on packing will be passed on to your manufacturers.
- 下面我想就包裝問題討論一下。
- 請陳述你們的意見。
- 好,我們希望我們對包裝的意見能傳達到廠商。
A: You know, packing has a close bearing on sales.
B: Yes, it also affects the reputation of our products. Buyers always pay great attention to packing.
A: We wish the new packing will give our clients satisfaction.
- 大傢都知道,包裝直接關係到產品的銷售。
- 是的,它也會影響我們產品的信譽,買主總是很注意包裝。
- 我們希望新包裝會使我們的顧客滿意。
A: How are the shirts packed?
B: They're packed in cardboard boxes.
A: I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation.
- 襯衫怎樣包裝?
- 它們用紙板箱包裝。
- 我擔心遠洋運輸用紙板箱不夠結實。
A: From what I've heard, you're already well up in shipping work.
B: Yes, we arrange shipments to any part of the world.
A: Do you do any chartering?
- 据我所知,你方對運輸工作很在行。
- 是的,我們承攬去世界各地的貨物運輸。 <BR> - 你們租船嗎?
A: How do you like the goods dispatched, by railway or by sea?
B: By sea, please. Because of the high cost of railway transportation, we prefer sea transportation.
A: That's what we think.
- 你方將怎樣發運貨物,鐵路還是海運?
- 請海運發貨,鐵路運輸費用太高,我們願意走海運。
- 我們正是這麼想的。
A: When can you effect shipment? I'm terribly worried about late shipment.
B: We can effect shipment in December or early next year at the latest.
A: That's fine.
- 你們什麼時候能交貨?我非常擔心貨物遲交。
- 我們最晚在今年十二月或明年初交貨。
- 那很好。